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12-30-2011, 01:09 AM
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Daxter King
Outlaw Bomber
: Oct 2005
: Texas
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Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)Daxter King  (2137)

Yes. Granted, it does a good job creating a creepy vibe but this nonsense people spout about it being the most ball-shiveringly terrifying feat of modern horror need to take a seat.
This, pretty much. Granted I only played the demo, but people said the demo was one of the scariest parts of the game. That and how people explain their absolute horror of the demo level make me think its not all its cracked up to be. There is something about being completely helpless against the monsters attacking you that makes it somewhat fearful, but I fear(LOL) that it would wear off since that seems to be what the game stands on. Being helpless made for the scariest parts of Dead Space for me, but they used them sparingly and hinted at them with music and certain sound effects, giving you real dread to the encounters and not just popping out monsters. It seems like Amnesia likes you to open doors and see monsters, removing the dread for cheap scares.

On the subject of trypophobia, I dont have it. Maybes its because I wanted the momma toad thing with babies in its back on discovery channel as a little kid.
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