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10-29-2011, 03:41 PM
Destro's Avatar
: Jul 2010
: the nether
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Rep Power: 15
Destro  (64)
Team Fortress 2 Talk

This Thread will be talking about Team Fortress 2 for those who play it. You can talk of whatever pleases you in Team Fortress 2 such as Hats, Items, Servers, Likes, Dislikes, Bosses (Which the only 2 are: Horseless Headless Horsemann and MONOCULUS), Characters, Comics, Mann Co. Store, Blueprints (crafting), etc. For those who don't know MONOCULUS, check out this Comic by following the link:
Have fun ^_^
When you fear to go to sleep, and you experience repeating nightmares, your experiencing Hypnophobia. When your Nightmares come to reality, your in deep shit.

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