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09-25-2011, 04:55 AM
Cammy's Avatar
: Jan 2010
: In the ocean!
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Cammy  (160)Cammy  (160)

I identify as a purple dinosaur, as I feel comfortable in doing so I must psychologically be a purple dinosaur.
Just saying, you are a moron. Male and female identities are for the most part society constructed objects, such that one of the prime reasons we act the way we do is because of our expected gender roles. While you may biologically have the sex of female or male, acting like the opposite gender, can be perfectly natural for any person (unless you believe that people don't have individual personalities, which is bullshit but if that's what you believe I can pretty much guarantee arguing with you is a fruitless endeavor, though that is the case for arguing with most people.) While females may be more predisposed to being more emotional because of hormonal changes in the body as well as males being predisposed to being violent or "manly" means of doing things because of more testosterone, human personality isn't controlled by just the hormones of one's body (which again, if you believe humans are controlled solely hormones, that's bullshit) and not every humans has the same amount of hormones.

So combine these things, and you can get males with low testosterone levels, and a natural girly personality, while they may be biologically male, their gender is female. Why? Because gender is mostly a societal construct. Sex isn't. And most people who don't know any better (ie you, who thinks gender is something exclusive to each sex and is impossible for one person to be the other, and thinks being a purple dinosaur, a physical thing, is equivalent to a psychological personality). Which is why many people who identify as a female but have the sex of of a boy or a girl who identifies as a male, but has the sex of a girl, choose to undergo a process to make them appear more like a girl or boy, so that they feel like they belong better in society, or that they feel that they can be more proud of their appearance and so they better match what society perceives as a girl. The reasons are varied, but it's not unnatural for a person to want to look like the other sex, especially when they perceive themselves as the opposite gender of their sex. And people who undergo the process have their hormones rebalanced to match the other sexes. And their personalities don't do 180's. Because hormones don't control ones personality. And personality defines gender, not your organs. Because gender isn't something inherent in nature, while sex is.
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