thread: Smoking is cool
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07-17-2011, 03:08 PM
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I don't believe anybody's deliberately looking to inconvenience you, nor do I think that they'd be lighting up in a non-smoking area (at least not intentionally).
In fact, if I was trying to indulge in a personal habit and somebody started to have a go at me, I would be about as happy as you'd be having somebody smoking around you.

You'd seem a massive "ass" to me if you were stood in a smoking area at all, given your position on cigarettes.
this. honestly. i don't know how you manage to sum it up so well without calling them a dick or something.

So just because i don't like cigarettes means i'm an ass to stand on a sidewalk?
no one said anything like that. read slowly. i'm sure the point was that it'd be pretty idiotic for you to stand in a smoking area in the first place with people smoking when you hold views such as these:

if someone does try smoking around me i'll tell them to go to hell, I don't need my life expectancy to drop due to their choices...
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