thread: Smoking is cool
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07-16-2011, 07:04 PM
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: shit creek
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That's the point...............
thanks for clearing that up...............................

I'm also not going say people who smoke are throwing away their lives, black lungs are the newest fad but if someone does try smoking around me i'll tell them to go to hell, I don't need my life expectancy to drop due to their choices...
oh, fuck off and die. it's self-righteous pricks like you that give non-smokers a bad name. i smoke, and i have no problem at all putting it out for the sake of a non-smoker if we're indoors or in a confined space. that's fair enough. but when you get those other cunts that purposely stand right next to you whilst you're outside and start doing some shitty fake cough, then ask you to put it out, it's just being fucking childish. move over there, you stupid fuck. this isn't the wild west and this town definitely is big enough for the both of us.

same goes for those fucktards that blatantly stand in a smoking area and complain loudly and obnoxiously about it being 'too smoky'. yeah, sure thing. and George Michael is 'too gay'.
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