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05-06-2011, 05:30 PM
Nate's Avatar
Oddworld Administrator
Rainbow of Flavour
: Apr 2002
: Seattle (woo!)
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What Do You Look Like (V11)

Yea gods this makes me feel old. WDYLL has reached its 11th edition. Well... technically its twelfth, given that there were two V4s.

So here is a picture of me with my friend Cheese. We're at a wedding, in case that isn't obvious.

A comprehensive list of the previous WDYLL threads:

***OFFICIAL THREAD RULE - Do not post images that aren't real photgraphs of you, none of those South Park things or MS Paint drawings!***
***OFFICIAL THREAD RULE #2 - Photos must be a clean and clearly visible shot of the person. Anything that distorts or disfigures the picture (any more than a simple filter) is not allowed.***
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.