thread: Cyberbullying
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04-18-2011, 08:58 AM
Emesdee's Avatar
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: Feb 2010
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Emesdee  (241)Emesdee  (241)Emesdee  (241)

Cyber bullying is a whole other thing from bullying when I was growing up. Back when I was in school, bullying was generally people shoving my face into the mud and stealing my lunch money. Even still, there was an escape, when school was out, I could go home and escape from the bullying. You can't do that with cyber bullying. Kids today don't have as many avenues of escape, they come home, get online, and can face continual harassment where the only escape is to totally seclude themselves from others.

I really don't get the "tough it out, nerd!" attitude a lot of people have. Maybe it's because they forget what it was like to be a teenager, maybe they have always been popular, never knowing what it was like to alone and picked on. Or maybe they are just that out of touch with normal human feelings. Being a teenager is a terrible time for many people, and emotionally fragile time. So of course having people embarrassing you for the entire world to see, or telling someone to kill themselves is not harmless.
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