Well to be fair I won't be continuing this argument, I think BM's scientific intelligence outshines mine to the point were I'm really digging for answers, it comes down to this though, religion requires faith, some people are lacking or were never fortunate enough to be brought up into a religious family. This argument was never going to change either of our ideas on how the Universe came about and such but nevertheless, it was an interesting debate. Well done BM I suppose.
Perhaps we need a debate thread?
I just think it's strange, that even now when you realize there's no point in going against BM, you seem like you haven't learned much.
In conclusion, I think that most people know their religion is bullshit deep-down(I'm sorry, I really don't mean to offend any of you). They are just so scared of death, and are lacking meaning in life so much that they'll ignore their sanity, and go to whoever first says: Oh, I have the answers for you, boy!!
Really, I wish you'd continue STM, just to see when you truly run out of arguments, cos that's how religious debates always end up. All the one's I've seen. The religious person will always give up and say something along the lines that you said.
Why wont you defend your religion? As it stands now, BM won the debate.
I just wanna come across one religious person who can stand their ground, and actually give good reasons to why they believe. Well.. two, actually. Cos I already met one in my life, and He's my friend. But I'm greedy <.<
Also, science isn't faith, cos Science follows a line of well-documented evidence, while faith/religion has no evidence that all, except personal experiences which could mean anything. I really hate when people say that science is just faith. Or a religion. They really do not know the meaning of this.
I don't think that science can explain everything yet. SO I'm just one of those agnostic people who will wait and see.
There's tons of fun theories based on science that can also replace your religious need for meaning and afterlife or something. Dunno. That'd at least be a step up and less biased.
I just hate that religion still has an effect on non-religious people's lives. Such as sex-related laws, people who try to scar children with the word "hell" and shit like that. There's so much cruelty in religion. It also encourages direct denial of scientific evidence.
At least if you'd have picked a peaceful one. One that didn't slyly put their 'ethics' above the development of our race and our wellbeing.
Yea, my words aren't as intelligent as perhaps BM, but this is just the opinion of a non-scientist agnostic person =)