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12-18-2010, 01:11 PM
LDG519's Avatar
: Dec 2010
: sydney
: 238
Rep Power: 15
LDG519  (93)

OK here is my view on the whole thing,

it basically comes down to god vs science, there is no 100% proof for either god or science so these debates will continue untill the second coming (or untill the sun explodes depending which side you choose, although I think that a supernova could be the clensed by fire that is mentioned somewere in the bible)
someone mentiond something about "it can't all be randome chance" well I think that's why scientists came up with the parralell universes theory were anything that can happen has happened, eliminating the randomeness factor (which means in some universe I'm the president of earth fighting off an alien attack)
although I am religiouse I do belive in aliens (most religiouse people I talk to don't) god created an infinate universe I find it hard to belive he would only put one life bearing planet in it.
I am willing to accept the possability that the bible Isnt 100% accurate as it is a very old book and it was written a while after the events and unless every singal person writing it had a perfect memory then... you get the drift (many christians would probably feel like killing me right now, thankfully there prohibited from doing so)
there is one thing I want to set strait right now and that is that some christens say that they are the most persecuted but to be honest I think the mozlums get persecuted most, think about it christens get persecuted in some third world countries but just about anywere on the planet mozlums are seen as teroists because of one teroist group that happened to be mozlum, that's the equivilent of saying birds eat insects therfor anything that eats insects is a bird therfor spiders are birds. (I'm not mozlum Im just saying they get the brunt of the persecution)

to close of Ill leave something for non belivers to think about, if were wrong we have a lifetime with meaningless restrictions but if your wrong you have a blissful life but forever suffer in hell afterwards (Okay we christens do seem to overstress the hell factor)
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