Perhaps my argument need expanding.
Unfortunately I don't think I can counter argue all your points, so assume that I assume the ones I haven't answered are rhetorical...that and I think your scientific mind outshines my religious/philosophical/scientific one in most aspects.
Ok, I believe I can counter your argument in eight points, sorry if sounds rude, I'm not saying that your argument can be summed up into eight points I'm just not very good at expressing long paragraphs off the top of my head.
1.) On a non-religious level God exists in all of our minds and therefore, even if God is not physical he is a mental creation and therefore he exists as firmly as the idea of social equality.
2.) God is a possible being or supernatural being, he may exist in reality because there are no internal contradictions in his existence.
3.) (The third point I quote from St. Anselm, although all my other points are loosely based on his, I'm sure you already realised this.) "If something exists exclusively in our understanding and might have existed in reality then it might have been greater. This simply means that something that exists in reality is perfect (or great). Something that is only a concept in our minds could be greater by actually existing."
4.) Suppose then God only can exist in our imaginations, dreamt up in a time of hopelessness or moulded from an age old story.
5.) So then God is greater than he is in the physical realm (sounds like De Carte here)
6.) "This would mean that God is a being in which a greater is possible."
7.) This is stupid and impossible because the Lord, a being in which nothing greater is possible, is a being in which a greater is possible. Herein lies the obvious contradiction.
8.) Thus it follows that it is false for God to only exist in our understanding.
So God can exist in reality and our mind.
I really hope that that was an honest and simple error on your part.
Yes, sorry.
It’s a common criticism that I encounter, but an intrinsically silly one. Can you with all honesty think of a single example of something that anyone spends any time, attention or energy at all to refute something that they don’t think is untrue?
Easily, a petty example would be me and my brother, he says that I have never had a girlfriend yet I knew he was obviously arguing for the sake of arguing, I applied time and energy to prove him wrong with photographic evidence.
Personally I have many motivations, but chief among them is that it is fun. Others include living in a world where the majority of the population appears, on the face of it, to be mad.
I refuse to believe that you honestly believe that anyone who believe in God/ a god, i.e. different to you, is mad.
A world where people seek to impose their questionable moral values on me, a world where people seek to replace education and discovery with their own brand of stifling ignorance.
The history of man and the nature of man is to be ignorant, we are a minor body in an enormous Universe, we can only create ideas were we lack understanding and debate conflicting ideas were it is impossible to find truth, this can be said of the scientific bodies debating the creation of the Universe via the Big Bang v Other theories, it is unlikely we will ever truly know how we came about, we just are.
A world where parents, educators and self-described priests and holy men commit the unforgivable crime of extinguishing the unbridled curiosity of children, threaten them with hellfire and willingly install a slave mentality that actually wants the ridiculous aspects of religious dogma to be true.
Anyone who threatens another with hellfire must be certain in their mind that they are right and this shows a great worry for the person they threaten, enough to try and scare their 'enemies' into seeing how they see things.
Above all else, I live in a world in which faith is considered, of all things, a fucking virtue.
On a non-debate note it's a shame you ended such an intelligent offensive with a pointlessly rude embellishment.
So I suppose this will not by my last argument, I'm preparing for a second offensive from you already, however duly note that I believe you must be one of the most creative, argumentative but intelligent people I know so congratulate yourself on that. =)