thread: cogito ergo sum
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12-14-2010, 11:52 AM
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Bullet Magnet
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I haven't yet had the pleasure. Someone else usually gets the door first. When it's my mother the spineless bastards never come back, but she doesn't take the advantage of the situation that I'd like to.

Really, they go around "spreading" the word, paying lip service to the whole proselytism thing to earn their passage to the sycophantic land in the clouds. They really don't care, or they'd but some fucking effort into it. Wouldn't help, though.

Out and about I only ever meet charities wielding emotional blackmail. It worked until I ran out of money.

I feel my gut instinct is there must be something better or more divine than what my life is as the moment, there simply has to be.
Well, I'm convinced! Guts and musts. Can't argue with that.
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