Unit 23 smiled as the fiery explosion sent licks of plasma across his face and a burst of light down the tunnel. He was glad to get some one to one action but the rest of the team seemed to find killing things even in groups, a problem. He shrugged his shoulders, there must only be one true explanation...he was awesome. Damn the MG were lucky not to execute him. He wandered back to the group to see the mess they had made, hoping to find a few dead creatures but when he spotted a troop of new units he decided it was time to bring the pain by the whole group, he looked around for things he could use as a makeshift barricade and when he spotted some steel girders and rotting wood slats, probably left over from the railway work, he set about hauling them together.
Within minutes a veritable barricade was up and he set himself down, waiting for the next wave, he could happily hold off here for a while at least until there was nothing left to scavenge.
"Hey guys, hurry...more coming...in barricade now," he turned and fired a shot off at the hellhound slog knowing it would reach him first.
"Come on you b******!"
[M] Zalik stays put
[E] Zalik builds barricade (is a dice roll needed to determine durability?)
[A] Zalik fires off salvo at hell hound
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.
Last edited by STM; 12-12-2010 at 05:57 AM..