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11-03-2010, 09:56 AM
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Necrum Burial Grounds Moderator
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The original site wasn't flash based, it was lots of custom HTML.

We are adding changes, and we're just awaiting the Oddboxx texts.

We've changed the name to "Where to Buy" good suggestions, and it only applies to digitally available titles. We will be adding links to MO and SW when they are available.

Ooops you found a bug, there should be an AWARDS page and a HISTORY pages, these are being re-added now.

We will address this.

We will be adding something to that this week.

I have to say I think your last comment is a little harsh, things are changing with Oddworld, and over time we will be adding lots of more content to the site, but as the saying goes, You have to start somewhere.
You totally don't need to be so nice to Havoc. No one else here is.

My bowels hurt.

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