hey guys i love the way you put the animals who would of thought
Agreed i whispered
i examined the camera
we'll have to cut the cords if we want to greli to not find out
You guys distract the camera and i'll cut the cords
they nodded
i quickly snuck around and looked at the cords
DAMN!!! surrounded by metal
i followed the cord and looked for a break in the cord
none not one hole
i reached for my knife
DAMNIT!!! i dont have my knife either
i looked at the cord and figured how i wass going to do this
i turned around
another camera!
i dodged out of the way
theres only one person that could do this
i snuck back to the guys
i cant do this its to well guarded
Irou youre our best hope!

Please read my fanfiction Boddy cream
And check out drawings in "some art" in non oddworld art and literature