@ PBSlig: you don't need to double post, just edit your last post

I'm sure your post will fit into the story just fine. Also you shouldn't make Irou and Herman do things unless they let you, that's god-modding and is a big no-no round here but there doesn't seem to be any problem so far.
Day 1 (Daytime, Dusk)
The Sun began to sink into the horizon creating a warm glow in the sky above the group's camp.
Greli walked into camp with the others, with no idea how to set up a tent he just flopped down onto the ground "Odd, the trip here took a lot out of me. I think I'm gonna lie down for a bit. Don't you guys run off and have a party without me alright." he laughed and took a quick nap
Grelk looked at the announcer with an annoyed look on his face
"They've set up a camp" he said in a quiet yet sharp tone
"you didn't tell them about the building set up for accomidation did you?"
"um, no, I forgot, sorry sir" the announcer replied timidly.
"It doesn't matter make an announcement about it tomorrow, in the meantime I want to keep an eye on this guy." Grelk nodded towards the screen showing Irou
"I've seen the way he looks around and examines things, I bet he knows about the guards by now the way he looked at the wall earlier. I know a sceamer when I see one and he might be an obstical to my plans."
Grelk's face darkened when he noticed the monitor displaying one of his specially laid trapdoors
"They've found one of them!" he said in a tense voice
"That was not supposed to happen." he sat down and watched Zed write something down onto a piece of paper and later sneak it to Irou.
"Damnit! That's the worst thing that could have happened" his voice now a shout but he quickly calmed down
"If he knows about the guards he'll probably wait until tonight to check it out. Since we have no time to empty and remove the animal cages down there..." Grelk sighed
"...we have no choice but to let them find the animals down there."
In my next post it will beome nightime.
Before I forget: Yes, you can create your own animal species if you post up a description of them I shall try to add them to the first post for convenience whenever I can. (please don't make too many
