OOC: Sorry for EXTREME lateness. Some replies will seem either too short or too long.
Hoss's stubby legs began shaking under pressure. A slig holding a gun to his face! There was little he knew of sligs, even though he had even lived with one for a short while, but what he did know was that many of them were trigger-happy. He hoped this one would be easier to deal with .... Instead of a loud KABOOM however, Hoss was faced with Carbide's hand and a slight offer .....
The large wolvark shoved Larz away, hopefully Larz would hide keep some others away from their stash of diamonds. "Splosives? With Outlaws? NOOO WAAAY! Look! He-h-here's a deal! ... I will buy any type of splosives ya got! Jus' PLEASE don't let those ding-ganging outlaws near em. Ya hear?!!"
(Since Hydra seems to have missed the most, i'll hafta speed things up a bit in a few paragraphs)
Hydra packed many needed tools into a wheelbarrow. 3 shovels for digging, a net, two knives, and a few planks of wood. The amphibion waited for a while, boredomly, hoping either Koimo or Athena would appear to help them. However, neither of the two showed up. "Oh well. Guess I'll hafta make two trips then!" Suddenly, she heard a loud popping noise on the roof. "What the?!"
She rolled the wheelbarrow out and looked up. She saw Athena emerge from a puff of smoke on the roof. The slig seemed a bit stuck. "Athena! Big sis! What're ya doin' up THERE when you should be down HERE helpin' me?!" Hydra asked rather rhetorically. "Well I'll make a second trip for the rest of the tools, okay?! First let's drop these off at Koimo's! Just stay where ya are 'n' you'll be back in the forest!" Hydra took a deep breath and said the magic words, "Teeheehee BuuuuhPOOF!" She, Athena, and the wheelbarrow, were all teleported to the woods.
Hydra, Athena, and the tools were safely back in the forest. well ... not that safe. "Oh oh ..." Hydra muttered. They had reappeared far enough away behind the Outlaws to not get spotted. "Athena, Koimo's in trouble ...." Hydra looked down at her supplies, then at the objects in Koimo's possesion .... "Big sis! A MAGIC show! THAT will distract the Outlaw gang and maybe even capture him! Do you have any kinda idea to trap em' after the show starts?" *PAUSE FOR ATHENA'S REPLY*
Hydra then grabbed Athena and sort of crumpled her up into her hands, shrinking and rolling her up until she disappeared from her green hands. The fake blue egg next to Koimo shrunk down in size and turned into a REAL blue egg with Athena tightly curled up inside. If she hatched, Athena would return to normal size with watever plan she hopefully came up with. Meanwhile, Hydra returned in a loud POOOF! of blue smoke next to Koimo. "Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to Hydra's MAGIC SHOOOOW!" she whispered to Koimo to play along for distracting the Outlaws ....
Mafisto angrily growled at Bruce. Ordering him around like that? Blegh. However, it would be smart to check up on that crummy wolvark boss hoss. The giant Outlaw stomped his way through the forest towards Hoss's mining site (But not before giving Bruce a shove off his tree branch)