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05-15-2010, 07:36 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
Less worse
: Aug 2006
: Exquisite Squalor
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Am I the only boring person that didn't like playing and/or collecting action figures I liked magnets. I still do. Got all kinds of magnets and magnet related gadgets..
I didn't really start collecting action figures until the last year or so, and even when I was little I had a scant collection of toys.

I had an ATOMIC SHITPILE of Lego though, ended up selling it for 50 bucks. Eh.

Anyway, here's some pictures I took over the last week, I got a new camera, so now they will look slightly better.




FUCK, getting all four of these posed was a pain in the dick. Worth it, though. I fucking love Stikfa.

Here's HUNK.

And some Zero toy.
I see you jockin' me.

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