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05-12-2010, 12:32 PM
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: Jun 2008
: Your mother
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Jawz grunted and walked towards the little grubb (Koimo) who was holding the magic noise box both parties where scared but Jaw tried hard not to show it, he hadn't seen magic before though, but he had seen the effect of firing shots, he clicked his gun and began firing into the air, the ear splitting sound was met by the harsh grating cry of -
"YeeeHawwwww, lookee I see meee a litttleeee Grubbb whoooeeeee."
After a short while he stopped and looked inquisitively at the Grub,
"So, before a drill a bullet in yah head, what are ya doin?"
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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