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04-20-2010, 10:31 PM
enchilado's Avatar
I don't even know!
: Nov 2009
: Brisbane, Australia
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The first episode of the new series only came out last Sunday here. We don't have TV, so we invaded a friend's house. Amy Pond is hot.

I didn't find Prisoner Zero threatening. It didn't do anything except put people in comas and growl.

I haven't seen a lot of the newer Doctor Who episodes (that is, the 9th Doctor onwards) but recently me, my brother and a friend have been watching 'em trying to catch up to the newest. The 9th Doctor was the BEST, it was tragic he only lasted one season. Though I think that was planned from the beginning; that series had a planned feel to it, and all the episodes were written by the same guy.

Anyway... As for the 11th, well, he's okay I guess. The new TARDIS damn rocks though. And Amy Pond is hot.
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