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04-18-2010, 02:17 AM
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Last night's episode was unspeakable wank, and yet completely indicative of how Doctor Who is evolving. Doctor Who encounters "Churchill vs. the Daleks" (wank), historical character is cheeky but noble (as opposed to the batshit insane he was historically — wank), older design of something is replaced with newer "awesome" design void of subtlty, despite the fact this has no effect on characters' actual awesomeness (wank), more pointless prophecies that would make an astrologer balk at the vagueness (wank). Doctor Who has become even more bland, predictable, unintelligent, mass-produced and painful than The X-Factor.

Summed up thusly: The new white Dalek is called "The Eternal", but Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss both admit they don't know what that means yet ("but it sounds cool").

Next week is "River Song vs. the Weeping Angels", which is beyond wank. It's Moffat just sponaneously ejaculating. Ejaculating through the television and into your eyes.

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