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03-04-2010, 07:54 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
: Aug 2009
: Oddworld Forums, Internet
: 682
Blog Entries: 1
Rep Power: 16
MarsMudoken  (78)
Question I can tell if I'm not wanted.

When I was banned a month ago, I wondered why. When I realized I was back I returned, and finally read a message from Nate stating that he was under the impression I try to be an annoying spammer. I've sent him a message saying that I don't. I tried to be funny, you guys thought I was annoying. I liked being called annoying so I continued failed witty-ness with a bit of intentional spamming. So it got you angry. Let's get something straight; I am not talking to you as Mars the spammer, Mars the child, or Mars the Mudoken. I'm speaking to you as a fully functional human being, and I want to be treated as one. I want no jokes, no sarcasm, no trolling nor wit from you on my request. So here it is: I want to leave.

But I know that some people here may like me, among those who would call me scum, so I've made a vote. See, I know how Ackro wanted to leave, then decided to come back and cycled through those moods, but after the month I've been gone, I've realized I'm not dependent on this site anymore for entertainment and can leave with my back turned. I've been cured of my addiction, so before I revive it I want to make sure I'm not throwing this opportunity away. So should I stay as the annoying youthful spammer I once was? Or should I walk away, a changed man. You have till the end of March. I leave it to you, my friends, to make the decision for me.

This reminds me of the ending cliffhanger in Abe's Oddysee. Question is, do out of the hundreds of users, most of them like me?

[insert boundless wit here]

Last edited by MarsMudoken; 03-04-2010 at 08:20 PM..