thread: ANIME JA NAI
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02-24-2010, 01:02 PM
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Mac Sirloin
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I think it's pretty funny that OANST, A 29 year old Parent and the comparative adult in this situation is having this stupid, embarrassing argument with an (almost, a little under two hours) 20 year old Uni student who's maturity can dip below my own, and I buy children's toys.

Why don't you sack up for a second, OANST, and admit that maybe throwing this little temper tantrum over stupid Japanese cartoons was a poor choice? You will savagely defend a 44 year old Gothic soap opera with a shitty budget, but you can't tolerate that WoF likes a stupid baby cartoon from Japan?

And what does it say when Joe says that he derives nothing sexual from it, regardless of its pedobait status, and you vomit around such gems as "Do you think that you could not post videos, cartoon or otherwise, that show nine year old girls naked?" Who gives a shit? He likes his effeminate cartoon. Back the fuck off. We know you have a daughter, so this seems less like "herp de derp you can't like this because little girls" and more "OH FUCK IF I DON'T SAY SOMETHING ASININE I'LL LOOK LIKE A BAD PARENT"

Whatever though, you two are still arguing about stupid baby cartoons.


Oh, and one more thing.
There was that one time where I threw a similar hissy fit to yours over Pilot and Sekto making queef jokes.
This is pretty much the same thing, only more retarded because there isn;t Pilot and Sekto's track record to get the Hate Puke boiling.
I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 02-24-2010 at 01:06 PM..
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