Okay I have steam to blow off. To hell with it.
Firstly the transformation sequences, an obvious homage to Sailor Moon, the perrenial magical girl anime. These sequences appear a lot in the genre, and like the Super Sentai or Mecha transformation sequences are meant to symbolize a character shift from a mundane alter ego to a SUPER FORM. It's also stock footage used to save the animators time and money. Many fans of Nanoha dislike these a lot, I think they are awesome.
But that's the thing, I think THEY are awesome.
It's flashy, cheesed up to the max, and with cool music playing in the background. The point is to appreciate the sequence being a homage to and the best example of in the genre. Not to provide loli fanservice.
Also before you object, please remember that the primary demographic of Sailor Moon was four to nine year old girls. There's nothing sexual about thiem at all, I don't find them objectionable and I'm usually quite quick to cry CHAUVINIST when I see something obviously so.
This argument is fallacious. You have over and over again made the point that plenty of other anime shows do this, and I have over and over again wondered how you thought that was a valid point. Also, I don't remember seeing Sailer Moon in the nude. Maybe I didn't watch the definitive version.
Next, the scene at Hayate in the end that you objected so strongly about, pay attention because this is going to teach you the importance of context.
Hayate is pretty much the woobie of the plot, she's a nine year old wheelchair bound EXTREMELY VULNERABLE GIRL and the first scene you see her with is her pushing her wheelchair struggling to get into her bed, next is you seeing her reaching for a book at the library in a high shelf but failing pathetically until one of Nanoha's friends from S1 comes along to help her.
That book she's holding that she's using to cover her nakedness with is the Book of Darkness, the MacGuffin of the series. It's pretty evil and is using Hayate to do evil shit, however Hayate finds the book at the start of the series and NEEDS it to gain power and attempt to make up for what she lacks (Use of her legs). It's a standard plot about an innocent in a bad situation being used by a power they can't understand, like Tenar from Tombs of Atuan. Having understood the context I believe that the scene in the intro was a good way to show her character, and to symbolize her innocence and vulnerability.
You're right. An extremely vulnerable nude girl being controlled by an outside force has no sexual connotations. It was obviously an artistic statement to make her naked.
Also don't make shit up dude. I just watched the high definition download I have right now, there are no nipples or sexual organs in those scenes. You can't show that stuff on Japanese tv and you certainly cannot show it on American tv (Which they did). You want to do all your research, not just enough so your cynicism overrides your open-mindedness.
I was fairly certain that during the transformation sequence she had her arms thrown out with her chest exposed. If it isn't there it sure as shit looks like it. And if they went out of their way to make it look that much like it's there, then only shows more of what their intentions are.
Now for the main thing, last night.
I had just come from watching an intensely depressing movie last night of which I was crying for the entirety of the second half. I'm emotionally oversensitive and things like this affect me quite badly.
I came straight from watching that right into what can only be described as an outright interrogation by you, in which you were so cynical and self assured you didn't even give any time or thought to what I had to say. I was pretty stunned when you announced you were blocking me and remained so for a couple of hours. I also was going to ask Ghost to change her post because I thought she was being unfair on you. Then I read the edit you made to your post a few hours later.
You say that you're just finishing a conversation that we started in public? I'm calling you to fuck right off with that shit and stand up to the reality of your own complete lack of thought for others. Your post was rude, cuntish to the extreme, hurtful and basically amounts to a betrayal of my trust. I've had fights and arguments before with members of this forum and what I'm mature enough to NOT do when one of them gets out of hand is publically post the results and call the other a moron. That shows a complete lack of respect for me, and is pretty good indication of how highly you value me as a friend. Frankly, you've had nothing but your family, your self confessed moronic coworkers and your own deeply lying cynicism to console yourself with for too long that you've forgotten what it's like to behave towards people you should view as equals. I guess I was mistaken to look up to you and defend you to my friends because that pretty fucking hurt.
I should view you as an equal? Why? Because you've taken a philosophy class? Mostly, I feel as if there is a massive gulf between us in our conversations. You're perfectly fine until weeaboo Joe comes out. Weeaboo Joe offers nothing but silly rationalizations, and I grew tired of listening to it. I don't enjoy talking to people who can't rationally discuss something.
And Jesus Christ, don't anyone ever look up to me. I don't care about any of you, and I hope to god I've never given anyone the impression that I do. I'm not sure what that means about me. Admittedly I'm not a very nice person. When I am being nice it's usually because of actual effort on my part. As for being cynical, I'm not sure how being able to accurately add up 2 and 2 makes me a cynic. I mean, naked children from people who make porn...... Not a lot of math to do there.
And don't you DARE, you DARE bring my brother into this. If you even knew half the shit I had to put up with about him, all the time I spend worrying my ass off about how my mother is coping and how frustrated and powerless I feel then you wouldn't so freely call out hypocrite. I need a place to sound off about a HUGE cause of stress in my life and I think it's pretty respectful of me to at least have the dignity to do so in a place I know he'll never visit.
Of course, I dare. Of course, I do. Your emotional baggage doesn't make it less hypocritical. Not that I care. I mean, your brother's a douchebag. But at least I have the courtesy to be a dick where you are going to see it.