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02-19-2010, 04:05 AM
Sligoth's Avatar
: Feb 2010
: Board Rooms
: 28
Rep Power: 0
Sligoth  (15)

Sligoth: What's you're position on household items made of plastic? What about air conditioners, central heating and microwaves? Would you like an affordable car? A television that doesn't cost a month's wages? How about a quality medical system that cares for you without gouging out your wallet? Would you like to go to university and get a top-notch education without having millionaire parents?

If you answered 'Yes' to any of those questions, you'd better stay right here.
With the possible exception of the medical system one. Depending on where you live, you might not actually be better off today

It's all just money, material items don't really matter to me as much as some other things. And to be honest, I prefer old style wooden Tv's and radios etc. Even vintage cars. Never had any use for uni, I left school 8 years ago and have been earning my money from music since. Not a lot, but some. I have friends who went to uni. Graduated scholars, who are now working in dead end jobs. Not saying Uni is useless, but to be fair a lot of people end up in the same miserable situation regardless what scholarships they have.

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