The entire 'love you routine' is there for the sole reason of making you think otherwise, because we know what you want to hear.
It's how we, as a gender, are programmed to think.
Jesus Christ... I just wrote a response to all this idiocy and then read the rest of the thread, only to find out that it's all been sorted out. Fuck.
Dude, I think the reason you get thrown into these angry conversations is because you're consistently all-inclusive and sloppy in presenting your ideas. In the above quote for example, you're including every male human in this fucked-up outlook on life. I don't play the "I love you but really just want to fuck" game. Nor do I appreciate being compared to a will-less robot. You're really not that outrageous, but you argue your ideas like FOX news pundit, and I think that's the reason you get so much shit.
Just something to think about.
Ahahahahahahaha....... ahahahahahaha
(wipes tear from eye)
Is that what they told you?
T-Nex has a point. While the liars far outweigh the sincere humans, the latter are actually in existence.