Why hello thar! I've finally decided to take the time and put my fanfic ideas down on paper. So here's my
first ever fanfic that I intend to comit to and finish. Please, by all means, offer any advice and suggestions you wish. Constructive criticism is always good (the key word there being CONSTRUCTIVE).
Now then, onto the fanfic. I've decided to do this a bit differently. To give you all an idea of the setting I have in mind, I made a little backstory video.
EDIT:The video is avaliable for download below, or watch the embedded Youtube version. The only thing is that the youtube version has slightly lower resoloution so the text may be a bit blurry on fullscreen:
The reason why I named Ch1 "Prologue" (as you see in the video) is because I couldn't cram all the backstory into that video, only the basic information. So I'll be uploading Chapter 1 as soon as I'm done going over it. Enjoy