Just out of curiousity... is the reason the red soul ring can be generated because the code for it exists in the game and is activated or does the cheat engine add the coding for the red soul ring?
(Sorry if that didn't make sense. What I was trying to say, in a nutshell, was does the code for the red soul ring exist in AE? Is the code for it actually there but is never used or does the trainer/cheat engine add it to the game's code?)
Let's say there are some variables in memory called dwHasRedRing, dwHasBlueRing, dwHasGranade etc. There are pointers pointing at address (usually) of this variable. So if you don't have any ring you have dwHasRedRing and dwHasBlueRing = 0. If you obtain ring in-game (from password challange or saving mudokons) variables are set to usually non-zero value. Like for example, if you have red ring dwHasRedRing = 3. In Cheat Engine you can find those pointers and manually set them to desired value. However doing so might lead to crash.
Or if you know C++, you can create trainer via WriteProcessMemory. Just register hotkeys and then handle them in WndProcMain as WM_HOTKEY and catch the wParam