Grace hurried down the corridor in the direction the mud had run in, Borso (probably) following. He grabbed his radio off of his belt, "This is Grace calling #7 Slig," He barked, "I have a slig in the security office, trying to find the intruder on the cameras, and another with me, looking for it. There is another slig somewhere else, also looking," He glanced at Borso as he hurried along and asked, "What do you call yourself?"
He was moving quickly; it had been a long time since he had been hunting natives (being a general in his later years had ended this particular activity) but he was still able to track the mudokon by the signs he had left, heat on the floor, a smell in the air, but it would only be a few minutes until the trail went cold and he wanted to make the most of it.
Anni managed to sneak away from the sligs without drawing attention to herself, and now made her way downstairs and to the passage at the back of the usable factory that led to the derelict parts of the building. She ran down the passages she knew well until she was deep in the ruins, then stopped and called out, "Somi?"
ooc: Somi is Anni's pet paramite (she has a profile in the profile thread).
As I said earlier, I won't be online over the weekend, so i might post again tomorrow but if you want to move Grace with Borso, Alex, you can (just move him).
Mars, if you still want to talk to Anni, this might be your opportunity

Just be aware that I won't be around for a couple of days.
Dionysia is still waiting for #7...