Flad had started chasing after the other slig (Krivzee). When he heard a loud metallic crash from behind. He spun round to find the snoozer had collapsed. It was holding Anni's leg saying something Flad couldn't quite hear.
Flad noticed two sligs together further down the corridor. One was taller then any ordinary slig he had seen before, nearly big bro size. The other slig looked quite short compared to the tall one.
Flad noticed the taller slig speaking to the shorter one. Then turned in Flad's direction.
"You." The slig pointed at Flad. "You any good with computers? 'Cus I could use some techie support or something."
Flad smiled. "Finally something useful I can do." He thought. "Yeah, my last post was with a vykker monitoring consoles and screens and stuff. He taught me a few things about computers." Flad replied and approached Grace. "It would be better if I wasn't chasing that Mud anyway. He would probably hear me coming from a mile away with these pants."

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