Bonest couldn't believe it, two incidents in one day? Not only that, he could recognize Noah from before as well, "Let's roll". Bonest placed his pistol back into his pants' holster and started moving down the stairs at a normal Slig pace.
Noah returned the smile, "Been a while since I've seen a smile like that. Sure, let's go have some fun!". Noah continued to run, 'Brave? I'm not brave... just lucky and foolhardy. It helps that I have some friends on the inside as well'. Heck, this might just be his chance to break out of here, perhaps to a better and more fulfilling life... no more scrubbing vats ever again.
Wevar had finished applying oil to his pants' joints. He hated having oily hands, but it was the only way to get things done. Technically you weren't supposed to apply it manually, in case your fingers get trapped in the mechanism. To Ode with that, Wevar always switched off his pants when he applied the oil. He tried to move but forgot that he'd switched them off, "Whoopsie". As he flicked the switch, he heard the tell-tale rattle of nearby flooring. "Prisoners having fun?", he looked around to see Noah and Ly. "Heck, what now?". Wevar decided to follow them from a reasonable distance. No use wasting all that oil just yet. He might even get to pay Noah back after all.