Name: Skleros
Race: Slig
Gender: Female
Age: Mentality equivalent to a 20 year old human, is approximately 7 in Slig years.
Appearance: Wears a visor gas mask that could be considered vintage. Her far left feeler and the middle finger of her right hand are both missing. Has fairly deep scars on her neck and around her waist. Owns sturdily-constructed steel pants, rather than standard iron, and a breastplate with attached filter units for the gas mask. Skleros is quite tall for a slig, and the sound of her modified mechanical legs screeching down the hallways is enough to spook just about anyone.
Personality: A very violent Slig with an addiction to Lungbusters. Likes to keep to herself and takes her work very seriously. Will chit-chat briefly while off-duty when she has her coffee and cigar. She can be quite pleasant to be around when she's in a good mood.
Equipment: A set of custom pants with bladed kneecaps and small thigh-mounted ammo containers, an electric baton and a popper.
History: Skleros was well known for her temper while she was still in the barracks. She was not above beating, burning and even shooting those who interrupted her whilst on-duty. She once put a Big Bro into A&E with her electric baton, though it cost her a feeler and a finger, left her with many scars and her pants were mangled after the incident. Repairing and upgrading her legs cost most of her wage packet, but she felt it was better than having another set of bog-standard equipment. Once her days in the barracks were through, Skleros was soon assigned to the brewery.
She only worked briefly at Soulstorm Brewery, and was transferred swiftly after the murders of several lazy co-workers (Two of which were Mudokons she deemed 'unfit for consumption, let alone floorscrubbing duties'). Her transfer to Rupturefarms as a security guard - a job she is highly efficient in - will ease the minds of her former employers and most probably terrify the new ones.