1. What is your name?
Simon James John Joseph Clair. (The James is silent)
2. Have you ever been kissed?
3. What is your favorite movie?
The Iron Giant, Wall-E and All Dogs go to Heaven. Milo and Otis was on that list but I booted it off for researcheable reasons.
4. What CD is constantly in your CD player?
The Only CD in my player right now is "Michel Thomas method Speak Russian" I don't listen to much of anything that isn't through my MP3 player, so either Rez: A Gamers Guide To... or Mr. Bungle take first place.
5. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Two Direct sisters, one batshit insane born again Christian Rasta stepsister.
6. What is on your mousepad?
The Chrono Trigger DS cartridge, some Wax Terrarium plants, the motor, gears and battery pack for a very phallic drill, the left edge of my DS and my mouse.
7. What is your favorite color pen to write with?
Black or Blue. Blue Glides better but black is good for details. What the fuck am I talking about?
8. What shampoo do you use?
Lemme check
Exact Dandruff Shampoo. It works very well.
9. What is your favorite color?
Gray/Grey I guess. No particular reason.
10. How many children do you want?
One. Possibly Adopted.
11. Do you collect anything?
Animal Related Knick Knacks and toys.
12. What is your favorite word?
Fuck. Possibly Incomparable.
13. What are your favorite kinds of clothes to wear?
Jeans with my workboots, a plain T-shirt (preferably Green or Black) and an unbuttoned Collared shirt over that. My crucufix and pet capsule with my information tied around my left wrist and my watches on my right.
14. What is your idea of a perfect date?
Somewhere near water.
15. What is your favorite book?
I'm not sure. Maybe the Sandman Series or One Piece. Probably both.
16. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
Ryan Reynolds. He's the first person that comes to mind. My justification for it is that if I say something bad about him I'm afraid he'll beat me up.
17. What is the best feeling in the world?
Knowing that you just shattered everyone's expectations and lifting something REALLY heavy, moving it, and smashing it against the ground.
18. Do you take hot or cold showers?
19. If you could kiss anyone, who would it be?
I don't know. Scarlet Johansen? Whatever.
20. What is your favorite band or singer?
Mr Bungle and Rattatat.
21. What are you listening to right now?
Stubb (a dub)
22. Do you believe in God?
23. When is your birthday?
March 18th
24. How tall are you?
Somewhere in the vicinity of 5'9 or around there
25. What is your favorite television show?
Trailer Park Boys, Justice League Unlimited
26. Have you ever had sex?
27. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Somewhere relatively rural, but not in Canada. Maybe Australia or New Zealand.
28. Do you have braces?
29. Do you like roller coasters?
30. What is your favorite season?
31. What is your favorite time of day?
1:00PM on a weekend
32. What is your favorite gemstone?
I haven't a clue.
33. What is your favorite cartoon?
Justice League Unlimited.
34. What is on your bedroom walls?
Zombie Survival Poster (it sucks) a Malcom X poster that says "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" a Painting by my grandma and a shelf full of knick knacks.
35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
36. If you had a time machine, where would you go?
First, I'd go to Salem with a helicopter and throw things at people, then I'd go to John K's house when he was a child and horribly traumatize him.
37. What do you want to be when you're older?
38. What color are your eyes?
Browny Green
39. Who is the person you talk to the most on the the phone?
My friend Jordan. Possibly my dad's Clients since he's never fucking home.
40. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
I wouldn't dye my hair.
41. Do you have any nicknames?
S-man. Jillian occasionally calls me a Neckbeard or Wolfshirt.
42. What does your dream guy/girl look like?
Not as tall as me.
43. Are you good in math?
I suppose.
44. Do you have freckles?
Mostly on my shoulders.
45. Who are your best friends?
Jordan and Josh.
46. What is your favorite kind of flower?
A big one.
47. What is your favorite store?
Chumleighs or Value Village.
48. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?
There's a bit of a list, but something that comes to mind was breaking into the Day Care next to my house to steal a fire extinguisher. I've had more daring feats than that.
49. Is there anyone who you really hate?
50. Do you and your parents fight a lot?
Not really. My dad's a complete maroon and my mom's fine.
51. What is your favorite candy?
52. What is your favorite kind of music?
Jazzy Rock or Trance music.
53. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
54. Are you getting sick of these questions yet?
55. Have you ever been to the ocean?
56. Do you have any part of your body pierced?
57. What is your favorite restaurant?
Pizza Gallery
58. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
59. What is your favorite magazine?
Dog Fancy.
60. Who do you like talking to the most on the internet?
61. What school do you go to?
Loyalist College
62. Do you have any pets?
One Cat (Kitanya) One Dog (Milo) and one Tarantula (Zooey/whatever I feel like calling it)
63. Which is better, pie or cake?
64. Are you a good french kisser?
I wouldn't know.
66. What is your favorite color to wear?
67. What is your favorite animal?
68. What is your favorite alcholic drink?
69. What sports do you like?
Basketball. Cycling.
70. What is your favorite outfit?
My best Jeans, my Gorillaz shirt, my Blue 80's button shirt (unbuttoned) and either my LRG Red Sweater or Pixel Camo Hoodie
71. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No, but I have one near my bed.
72. What is your favorite card game?
Not sure of the name.
73. Do you swear?
74. Have you ever had surgery?
Well, I've had stitches.
75. What is your favorite beverage?
Root Beer
76. Do you want to get married?
77. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Either when I was confronted by a bunch of people I didn't like (Largely because they confronted me in large groups) and just ran away shooting the bird behind my back, or when I got Nintendogs and kept yelling the name of my dog into the Mic with my mom in the car. Fucking stupid.
78. What is your zodiac sign?
79. Where do you think is the most boring place in the world?
London Ontario.
80. Have you ever smoked?
Cuban Cigar? Yepper. Weed out of a can? Fo' sho'. Weed out of a Joint? Uh-huh. A cigarette? NO THOSE ARE BAD FOR YOU
81. What do you look for in a guy?
Being my friend? WAIT
82. What song do you wish the radio would play more often?
That "Gotta do it My Way!" song.
83. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Douglas Adams, Oda and Christopher Moore.
85. Do you like writing letters?
I guess.
86. Who do people say you look like?
Why, Bernie Mac, of course!
87. What is your favorite month of the year?
88. What kinds of clothes do you like guys/girls to wear?
Guys: Not this Hawaiian Shorts Track Jacket Trucker hats bullshit. Most Impractical clothing ever and it looks fucking stupid. Girls: To each their own, but less 12 year olds running around in short shorts.
89. How many words per minute can you type?
No idea.
90. What is one thing you would change about the way you act?
My stuttering.
91. What is one thing you would change about your looks?
My belly and ass go out too far.
92. What is your favorite perfume?
I don't have one.
93. What is the worst feeling in the world?
Knowing people's expectations of you were shot down.
94. Do you have allergies?
No. I had Asthma whe I was a kid, though.
95. What are some of your bad habits?
I pick my nose, I eat too much, and I don't spend enough time outside. I'm a real class act.
96. What is one of your pet peeves?
Forks scraping against bowls. PEople talking too loudly and repeating themselves.
97. Do you have a website?
Why yes, it's called Aeris DJUST KIDDING
98. What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive. I meander.
99. Where were you born?
Belleville, Ontario.
100. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope. I believe in like at first site, though.
I see you jockin' me.
Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 05-15-2009 at 07:15 PM..