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04-13-2009, 06:55 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
Wolvark Shooter
: Feb 2009
: NorthWest of England
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Blog Entries: 78
Rep Power: 19
AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)AlexFili  (1280)

Just completed Dragonball Evolution on the PSP. It's not as bad as I thought it might be, but it's still cringe-worthy. Just bought myself a Red Mage pal on FFCC:EOT on the DS for 5000 gil. It wasn't really worth it, but at least he looks pretty nice with his red hat.

I stream games and art now!