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04-07-2009, 05:32 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
Wolvark Shooter
: Feb 2009
: NorthWest of England
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IC: Nimol heard a voice and turned around. He could see one of the Sligs he walked past earlier. He smiled and looked at him. "Hiya. My name's Nimol, nice to meet you", He shook Typo's hand. "I was going to look for a Clakker town for some bounties, but it might do me some good to stay here for a while instead".

He noticed Typo curiously looking at his mask stripe. "Oh, this?", he pointed towards the pattern on the mask. "It signifies my rank, I was a Lieutenant before the big explosion... There wasn't a lot of us left and I couldn't imagine the Glukkons picking up the pieces and starting again. I decided to leave and make a name for myself out here in the wild".

He continued walking along to the center of the village. Nimol found a hut with a broken roof. He pokes his snout inside, not seeing anyone there... in fact, it seemed like no one had lived there for several months, if not longer. He sighed and decided to make a start. He took a piece of the broken roof which had collapsed through, and placed it outside of the hut. A minute later he had taken out all of the collapsed roof. Now he was left with an empty hole where the roof should be, and a very dusty and dirty floor. "Oh well, I'd better start somewhere". He picked up a plank of wood and tried to sweep all of the dust and dirt from inside, placing it outside of the hut.

He looked at Typo while doing this and continued to talk, "So, you got any experience with weapons? Where did you grow up anyway?".

OOC: Heres a drawing of Nimol;

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 04-07-2009 at 05:53 AM..
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