IC: Spotting movement in the water, Typo lunged out at it, and let go of it almost at once. It might have been a fish, but not a very good one. Shaking his head in defeat, he decided he'd just come back a little later. Maybe with a harpoon or something. That new slig might be interesting. 'Where'd he get to?' He thought. Crawling back to the center of town, he saw the new slig standing there. He crawled the remainder of the way. "Hey, you're that new guy right? I'm... Well you can call me Typo. What's your name?" He said in a not-so casual voice. The fact that he didn't acutally have a real name always made him a little awkward with introductions.
Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!