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11-19-2008, 02:10 PM
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Necrum Burial Grounds Moderator
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Actually I was more afraid of Vangard after hearing about space chimps, happily never after and vaillant.

It's no secret that I had a problem with this film from the first time I ever heard of it. I found the logo they used for it to be moronic and the idea to be dated. Especially, the idea of gas rising to such outrageous prices that they would need armed guards at the gas stations. There have been huge strides in alternative fuels in the last ten years so by the time this happened I find it highly unlikely that people would just lie down and pay these exorbitant fees. I understand that it's supposed to be topical. I just feel as if the topic has been done, couldn't be done better, and is out of date (partially. I do understand that there is more to it than the gas crisis).

However, I find Lorne's execution of the stories that he is trying to tell to be spot on, for the most part. He breathes life into the characters in ways that very few artists are capable. In SW, for instance, I hated the idea and appearance of the Clakkerz. I still do not think that they are one of his best creations but when I got the game I didn't mind them. They annoyed me but only in the way that they were supposed to annoy me.

Bottom line: I hope good things are to come from this company and I am pleased that CS will not get the opportunity to tarnish them in my mind.

My bowels hurt.

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