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07-13-2008, 11:45 AM
oddguy's Avatar
: Jun 2003
: Montana
: 4,086
Rep Power: 24
oddguy  (10)
The Misadventures of Jesus H. Christ

Hello there.'s been ages.

Anyway, to the point...I've just started an online flash series entitled "The Misadventures of Jesus H. Christ" and the very first episode is up. I thought you guys would totally dig this.

And for those that remember when I used to post here way back in the day...I was a pretty religious guy. Well, since then I've definitely changed my views, which should make this cartoon I've started all the more interesting to some of you.

I've got it on the myspace...

And also, I have my own website. It's still under construction, so don't mind the unfinished-ness of it.

But yeah, feel free to leave comments on there...negative or positive. I honestly enjoy both. Usually when I get a negative comment it means I've offended someone, which makes me a very happy person. And who doesn't like positive comments?


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