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03-20-2008, 07:51 PM
Venks's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Dec 2005
: VA
: 759
Blog Entries: 23
Rep Power: 20
Venks  (128)Venks  (128)

Name: Bolas(CD-430)
Race: Slig(Worker)
Gender: Male(infertile)
Age: Young Adult
Appearance: Your average Slig with the natural greenish-yellow skin wearing poorly cared for mechanical pants and mask. The way his mouth-tentacles bend slightly towards himself gives him an appearance of being stuck up in a Slig's eyes.

Behavior: Bolas is a very stereotypical Slig. Bolas rarely does anything but sleep and has no real ambitions. Bolas's second favorite activity is torturing others, this is probably due to his horrible self-esteem issues. Though Bolas is really a weakling he won't let anyone see that side of himself. Bolas believes this world has no place for the weak so he does his best to stand above others when he isn't sleeping. Bolas hates everyone. Everyone. He doesn't need a reason. If Bolas has a reason that only means he'll beat you harder if that is possible.

History: Bolas started out in Slaughter School like most other Sligs born into industrial life. There he learned the basics of using weapons and killing things that move. Bolas at the time was called CD-430 until he graduated and chose the name Bolas. At the school Bolas had shown true skill in torturing Mudokons physically and mentally. Bolas probably would of been promoted to a Big Bro if he wasn't caught ditching classes to sleep... almost every day.

Bolas managed to get employed in a leading logistics company. At the company Bolas spent most of his time watching over the Mudokon workers. Watching the Mudokons continually moving around boxes became very boring. One day while Bolas was sleeping on the job a young Mudokon was carrying a rather large box that hindered it's sight. The Mudokon accidentally stepped on Bolas's hand causing the Slig to wake up cursing. Bolas was livid and took his gun to the Mudokon. It would of been to easy to shoot the Mudokon, instead Bolas beat the Mudokon to the brink of death leaving it with several broken bones.

After this encounter Bolas became very violent and spent less time sleeping. Any Mudokon who so much as looked at Bolas would be beaten beyond recognition. The Glukkons who hadn't cared at first became very surprised to see the high number of employees that were injured so horribly they could not perform labor effectively. They gave Bolas a warning telling him not to damage the workers to the extent that they could not work efficiently. Bolas swallowed his pride and swore to no longer hurt Mudokons. Truthfully he would just beat them without breaking bones, tearing out eyes, or cutting off fingers.

Bolas was slowly returning to sleeping on the job. Though this was intolerable by normal standards none of the Mudokons he watched caused any problems due their paranoia of him. Things were making their way back to normal until Bolas was assigned a partner. The fellow Slig seemed okay to Bolas because he never woke him up, but there was just something odd about the new Slig. Then one day when Bolas woke up early from a nap during work he caught the new Slig cracking jokes with the Mudokon workers. The only thing Bolas hated more then Mudokons was 'nice' Sligs. Without warning Bolas open fired on the two Mudokons who were talking to the new Slig. The newbie watched in horror as his friends' bodies hit the floor. Without saying a word Bolas walked over to one of the corpses, cut it open and obtained a broken bone. Bolas promptly stabbed the new Slig in the neck with the broken bone. The new Slig just stared at Bolas in horror; the Slig tried to scream but found it couldn't even breath. The Slig died by a combination of not being able to breath and drowning in his own blood.

Bolas had received his warning and was now in deep trouble. The Glukkon bosses did not care about the Slig worker who was killed since it was a Mud lover, but Bolas had destroyed two viable workers. Bolas was fired and the Glukkons told him if they eve saw him again they'd report him to Skillya. Bolas scrounged up what moolah he had and took to the trains. He knew he had to find a job and quick; a Slig without a job is very likely to end up in his mom's basement... and when your mom is Skillya that's very hazardous to your health. Bolas found a crumbled up advertisement under a seat in one of the carriages. Bolas with a rare feeling of hope in his desperation smoothed it out and spent four hours deciphering:
Rupture Farms! Now hiring!