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11-24-2007, 07:11 PM
glitch taimer's Avatar
glitch taimer
: Jun 2007
: Over there
: 65
Rep Power: 18
glitch taimer  (10)

Name: Ickama (ic-am-a)(Ick for short)

Species: Mudoken

Gender: Male

Age:15 earth years

Appearance: Ick stands slightly shorter than a normal mudoken due to the fact that he is not fully grown yet. He has a golden tree shape tattoo on his back. His face always has a smile on it. He has black rings around his ankle. The loincloth has a crimson fringe.

Personality: Ick is a very outgoing person and his always kind towards others. He easily makes friends and hates seeing others sad. When others are depressed, he usually follows them around and tries to cheer them up. Ick's personality can sometimes be rather annoying.

Bio: Ick was a free mudoken and lived in a village of natives. He was constantly helping others. One day, he decieded that the village life was too dull for him. Ick ventured out of his litte village to find himself a place in an industrial city. He had been warned about the industrialists, but he hadn't cared much and thought such things to be absoultly false. Ick believed that there were some trustworthy industrialists out there. Soon the effects of the city began to disturb him. Almost all mudokens were enslaved. He soon learned he had to be careful or he might be caputered by some industrialist and be enslaved himself. Then he learned about a place called Rupture Farms. Mudokens were supposedly not beaten and treated kindly there. Ick grabbed a train from Fecco. and was on his way

Name: Sol (Saw-L)

Species: Slig

Gender: Male

Age: 23 in earth years

Appearance: Sol is just below the average hieght of a slig and his lean. His skin tone his a dark, rich green. Sol's pants are silver color.

Personality: Sol is qiuet and enjoys being alone to think. He is usually bitter and hates attention. Sol feels a bit of hatred towards mudokens, and will go off the deep end of one touches him.

Biography: Sol was born and raised in a slig barracks. He graduated and was sent to work at a scrab ranch. Earning emplyee of the month a numerous amount of times, Sol turned out to be a hard worker. But then there was a dark day in Sol's life. A mudoken rebellion occured in the scrab ranch. Sol was beaten suverely by the mudokens and left to die. The mudoken uprising was soon disbanded. Using his life savings, Sol could afford to get fixxed up by a vykker. He never felt the same way towards mudokens after the attack. Due to his long absence from the scrab ranch, he was fired. Out of money and in need of a job, he used his last remaining moolah to catch a ride to Rupture Farms.