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09-21-2007, 03:26 PM
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Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
: Merrie olde Englande
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Name: Jim
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: About 8 or 10 (Mudokons live to be 40)
Appearance: Generally your average mud, green skin, loin cloth. Black and purple feathers and several long scars down his back.
Bio: Jim was raised in captivity by some very nasty sligs. The way he was treated by them has led to him being sligophobic - he freezes up when in close contact with sligs, though lately he's been just about able to resist terror when situtions are extreme. He has unfortunately also been taught that all natives are evil savages, and so he is more scared of escaping (both of nature and of the punishment for getting caught escaping) than he is of remaining a slave. Despite it all he's very loyal to his friends, though he tends to be unsure of how to act in troublesome situations.

Name: Dionysia (DS-P.L7 v4)
Race: 'Dark Skin' Mudokon: the original genetic engineering job.
Gender: Female
Age: Mentally 18 by human standards and probably early to mid teens in mudokon years. Hatched 3 years ago.
Appearance: Skin is a dark grey, almost black (big shock). She wears a dyed red cloth wrapped round her lower regions and another round her upper chest where she shows particular female features. Like a normal mudokon she is muscular but less sinuous. Taller than average, eyes are normal yellow and feather is purple, red and black and flows all the way down her back stopping just above her lower garment. Her lips are stitched.
Bio: The original industrial 'Dark Skin Project' was intended to create mudokons with the behaviour more like sligs or glukkons and less like scrubs which could be used as weapons against mudokon terrorists. Originally the male creations never lived passed infancy. By version 7 of the project the experiment team realised a hormone necessary for a mudokon to grow was causing this fault. However, female mudokons created in the past never had this hormone and the vykkers, taking this into account, attempted to engineer a female 'Dark Skin'. Using DNA taken (illegally) from Skillya many years ago by one of the team, they successfully created Dionysia. The fact that she is made with Skillya's blood means that if the slig Queen ever found out about her she and her creaotrs would probably be killed. The Cartel does know her secret since Dion unknowingly told it to a Cartel spy, but they keep it from Skillya so they can take advantage of her and the vykkers who made her.
Dionysia is usually nasty, selfish and arrogant on the surface, though inside she's very insecure. In many ways she is more like a slig than a mudokon, showing contempt to other mudokons. She often suffers from moodswings and is less tolerant of pain than most people, is fairly intelligent but withdrawn emotionally, not trusting herself or others. She practically worships the vykkers who made her.

Name: Dr Krik
Race: Vykker
Gender: Male
Age: Say... around 75
Appearance: Thin blueish skin, dirty, yellowing apron, carries around a black doctor's bag. Stress has aged him a little, though for a vykker that doesn't mean much.
Bio: Krik sees the people around him as follows: wildlife is there to be played with; he considers mudokon slime, fuzzles: common slime; sligs are a species of slime necessary for the function of society. Interns are creatures in the middle of evolving from slime into a higher form of life; glukkons are thicker than slime but necessary for society's function. He believes any vykkers younger than himself to be young fools with too much of the wrong sort of imagination and no respect for the 'proper way of doing things', while any vykkers older than himself he considers senile. He sees his partners and creations as little more than tools for him to manipulate.
At a young age Krik won fame from his papers on mudokon labour, his creation of a chemical that could break down DNA to cause a painful death or destroy evidence, and other work in genetics and behavioural modification. All was going well for Krik and he eventually got a job working for Queen Skillya. Then one day he made the biggest mistake of his life, destroying both his reputation and his career. Years later he was hired to work on the 'Dark Skin' project that created Dionysia. Now he's coming to Rupture Farms every day or two to check up on her.
Since Dionysia's secret was discovered by the Cartel, his life has been even tougher than normal. He wouldn't blink at killing her to save his own skin.

Name: Anni
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Female (artificially hatched)
Age: Now about 13 or 14 by human standards, probably around 8 or 10 by mudokon terms. (I know that doesn't match with T-Nex's version but Oh Well).
Appearance: Her skin is pale, blotchy pink and grey, bleached when chemicals fell on her when she was a child. She recently aquired tattoos on her hands; a black one on one hand and a white one on the other, that change size when she gets angry.
EDIT: For future reference, black is on the left.
Bio: Anni is usually cheerful and friendly towards any mudokon or slig she meets, though she is fearful and resentful towards vykkers. She doesn't often take things seriously and sometimes dreams of the world outside the factory. She has a number of close mudokon friends. She will accept anyone (other than vykkers) without judging them.
However, there is a darker side to Anni. A long time ago she was experimented on by vykkers. She had a friend called Nova who was also involved in the experiment and died during it. She believes Nova's mind somehow entered her body. 'Nova' occasionally rises up and takes control of Anni, forcing her to act aggressively or use spiritual powers. So far only one person has seen her when this happens, however, and he wasn't exactly trustworthy himself.

Name: Somi
Race: Paramite
Gender: Female
Age: About two years
Appearance: Like a paramite. Sorry.
Bio: Somi was saved as a baby by Anni when the factory workers were forced to wipe out her pack when they attacked Rupture Farms. Being brought up close to mudokons meant she learnt to speak Mudosian (the language all the characters speak). She lives as part of a pack of paramites who make their home in the abandoned basement of Rupture Farms. Her ability to speak the language of the industrials means she is very respected among the other animals living down there.
Somi is not naive to the ways of industrialism, and will fight for her friends or any other animals who live in Rupture Farms. Like most of the animals living in the ruins of the factory and the abandoned basement, she wants to avoid notice so as to stop the industrials from decided they're a nuisance and attacking them.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-26-2009 at 01:32 PM..