07-02-2007, 02:05 AM
Honorary Smod Chronically Awesome
: Feb 2003
: London
: 6,741
Rep Power: 29
Because Islam is a violent cult that quite frankly even an atheist, if he saw it's history, would describe as satanic. 100 million Hindu's and Buddhist's killed in the Hindu Holocaust. That's equal to Mao, twice as many as Stalin, and 5 times as many as Hitler. It's leader was a pedophile according to it's own scriptures (if marrying a 6 year old and raping her at 9 isn't pedophilia, I don't know what is). Read my signature. How many Christian terrorists attacks can you name in the last 6 years since 9/11? Do Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson call for mass murder of non Christians? Do you see Ned Flanders-types flying planes into buildings? Does the 700 Club or other fundie programme feature programs where children are asked if they hate atheists or gays?
Islamophobia is rational. It's like Satanophobia, evilophobia, pedophiliaphobia, naziphobia. It's a rational fear against evil.
Racist = you