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05-28-2007, 08:15 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
: Nov 2001
: Tampa Bay Area
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Rep Power: 26
SeaRex  (33)

Saw PotC3 today. I must say, it was my favorite one so far. The first two felt a little disjointed at times (although they were still very enjoyable movies), but this one was very clear as far as plot direction and character motivations go. Great writing, great plot, and great comic relief. Just a good piece of spectacle.

And really entertaining characters as well. Of course there's Jack, but Davy Jones, Captain Barbossa (who was probably my favorite character in the whole movie), and the other Pirate Lord characters really stood out as well. Even Will Turner wasn't so bad. However, despite the fact that she was such a pivotal plot element, I really didn't care about Elizabeth. Her character felt so flat and uninteresting.

And also...


OK. The Calypso scene: stupid as Hell. I commend the writers for not taking the cliché "let's make Elizabeth Calypso reincarnated" path, but c'mon. A giant lady that turns into crabs? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Make her all screamy and then explode into a giant burst of water or something else that makes sense and doesn't require lame giant growth.

Still, I loved the fact that Will dies. Not many franchises would have the balls to kill off one of the main characters, and I salute PotC for that. Plus, it was just handled really well. So that kinda almost makes up for the Calypso travesty.

And finally, I actually didn't mind that Elizabeth became the Pirate King. It made sense; her becoming King was the only way for Jack to get what he wanted.

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