I've got something:
At any level that you can be killed by a slig, you just have to TAB Abe and show him to a slig (without droping him), the slig will shoot abe and he will "kill" him. After that, you drop Abe like if nothing happened and all the sligs in the level will beleave Abe is dead but he will still alaive. (Also, you'll can possess sligs/glukkons/paramites/scrabs even if there's a security orb.)
You just have to make Abe hits the walls, when he hits one, he won't wake up and he'll die. You know that when he dies, his body becomes smaller and then apear the birds, right?
When the birds had apeared, you just have to TAB Abe and droop him again. He'll be alaive again and he'll become smaller.
I'm a oddworld fan from Spain
My english is good, but sometimes mabye you can't understand me, I hope you do it all times I write