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05-03-2007, 10:24 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: In a dishwasher
: 120
Rep Power: 18
LadySlig  (10)

Okay, here goes!
Name: Martha
Species: Mudokon
Age: 19 (human years)
Gender: Female
Appearance: A light reddish-gold with eyes that are a deep gold. her hair is pink/blue. Has a brown loin cloth and chest band.
Personality: Nice and helpful, likes to watch the day pass.
Equipment: Her ankles broke a few years back, and though she has healed, she has never been able to walk again, so she wheels herself about in her wheelchair (like munchs one, only not as noisy) Also has a pet scrab.
History: She was a hard-working employee untill she fell 4 stories to the ground. Her ankles broke and her friends took her to some Vykkers who were able to fix them, though she couldnt walk again. She has great arm strength after wheeling herself about for so long.
* *
Name: Rusty
Species: popper Slig.
Age: 21
Appearance: Normal but has rust-coloured skin.
Personality: Nice and helpful and close friends with Martha and Niko.
Other: Speaks in a clipped pattern. EG: Instead of say ' how are you?' He'll say 'How you?
* *
Name: Niko
Species: BigBro
Age: 25
Apperance: Normal
Personality: Nice and has terrible stage fright.
Equipment: Has steel gloves with spikes and a blitzpacker.
Other: When he speaks its bearly understandable.
* *
Name: Peach
Species: Scrab
Gender: Female
Age: ?
Appearance: Peach is a 'midget' scrab. Shes about the height of a sligs pants. Normal colours with black claws.
Personality: Curious, playful
Equipment: Beak, talons.
Other: She has a gold collar around her throat.

Last edited by LadySlig; 05-04-2007 at 03:08 AM..