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04-27-2007, 08:26 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
: 1,157
Blog Entries: 6
Rep Power: 19
skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)

OOC: I think tiny, Lenny, Vester, Agent, Scri, Seb, Cylepso, Jutt, Jatt, Dimitrio and that outlaw fellow are in the cafetria...did I miss anyone?
Jatt: *Limps over to Jutt whos lying on the floor and gives him a kick* Stupid Jutt! You shouldnt attack people! Arrgg, we could be reported now and we might get sent to mum!
Jutt: Ahh...My...lovey...nice...mummy...
Jatt: *Snorts and gives Jutt another kick* Mum an't that nice matie...*Looks over at Lenny and Vester and then limps over to them* sorry I hit you..I was aiming for her. *Jerks his head at Cylepso* And sorry for punchin' you...*To Vester*
Vester: Uhh...
Lenny: *Brightens and jumps up and hugs Jatt, who tries not to fall over* No worries! Sorry I got in the way then!!
Vester: *Snorts as Lenny hugs Jatt and then rolls his shoulders* Yeah...sorry for punching you as well...* Gives Jatt a pat on the back*
Jatt: Oh, thats great...*Struggles to keep his balance as Lenny hugs him, fighting the urge to whack Lenny away* Its alright.
Seb: *Goes over to Cylepso and nudges her with his snuzi* Mpph mpaafg?
Cylepso: *Raises a hand and waves it before managing to sit up a bit* Urrgg...what happened...?
Seb: Mppgm hhmpaft mahhpp hhaggram.
Cylepso: *makes a face and ribs her forehead which has a can-shaped bruise* Uhh, I remeber that...Hey what happened to Jutt?
Seb: *Waves his snuzi about* Mpphh mthgfa fgahp mmgghapp.
Cylepso: Thank Odd...*Staggers to her feet and squints at Seb* Since when were there three of you? Ug, never mind...*Takes a few steps before falling over*
OOC: I needed Jutt to get in a fight with a mud, things will change and you'll find out why he hates them so much...
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

Last edited by skillyaslig; 04-27-2007 at 10:43 PM..