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04-19-2007, 04:57 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: behind myself.
: 228
Blog Entries: 1
Rep Power: 18
WaterMelody  (13)

hee. i just joined and the first thing i do is go to the RPs, great move. *forehead slap* GOODBYE SLEEP! anyway, heres my character

Name: Scralina

Race: Mudokon

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (normal years)

Job: none yet >.>

Appearance: She has normal green skin with splotches of blue here and there. She has the scrab tattoo on her chest (ABOVE the bust, thankyou) and her feathers are split into four pigtail-like things. her feathers are russet with black tips. she wears a cloth wrap.

Personality: Scralina (Scri for short) is somewhat kind, but is very cautious. she dosent trust anyone unless they can prove to her they mean her no harm. If someone has earned her trust, however, she will protect them with her life. She adores tea though and will go to leangths to get the newest blend.

Equipment: she has a single dagger hidden in a pouch under her clothes

Background: Grew up in the mudanchee vaults in necrum. When she came of age she left to explore the world. Shes been to various mudokon villages and supposedly thats where she picked up her love of tea. She was ambushed by some of those 'pesky tentacle-pants' and fought them all of them off, only to be picked up while sleeping by a bigbro. she was taken to vykker labs as a new test subject, but was quickly shipped out as she kept trying to escape. now shes on the train to Rupture Farms......

Last edited by WaterMelody; 04-20-2007 at 02:27 PM..