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04-19-2007, 07:42 AM
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Chronically Awesome
: Feb 2003
: London
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The Oddworld Forums (Un) Official Mascot: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Best Role Player: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Best Artist: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Best Writer: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Most Annoying: Alcar

The Oddworld Forums Funniest Poster: Paramiteabe

The Oddworld Forums Insane Poster: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Best Topic Creator: The guy who makes all the advertising ones

The Oddworld Forums Best Advice Giver: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Best Old Dude: Pilot

The Oddworld Forums Best Couple: ANN NEELY & Alcar

The Oddworld Forums Member Who'd Make a Good Moderator: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Most Liked: Me

The Oddworld Forums Dearly Missed Member: Paramiteabe

The Oddworld Forums Most Respected Poster: Paramiteabe

The Oddworld Forums Most Meaningful Poster: Paramiteabe

The Oddworld Forums Most Dedicated Member: ANN NEELY

The Oddworld Forums Member With The Best Oddworld Knowledge: Paramiteabe (EAT THAT MAX)

The Oddworld Forums Administrator/Moderator of the Year: Searex

The Oddworld Forums Most Valuable Poster (MVP): ANN NEELY

Winners. Q.E.D