(I haven't roleplayed in a while, and since this is the only active Oddworld RPG on here so far I decided to join! Thought I'd get back into the jist of Oddworld roleplaying.)
Name: Wanderer
Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, but is estimated to be in his mid-30s in human years
Appearance: A crazy-looking slig who might be the kind of person you wouldn't want to fool with. He commonly has a confused and scared look on his face most of the time.
Personality: An insane slig who has a past that is mysterious. Some say that he just randomly appeared on Oddworld out of space. Others say he was born in a tiny shack in the middle of nowhere, abandoned by his original parents. Although he is called crazy by most people, he doesn't believe what they say and just goes on with his strange ways. He adores the idea of talking to himself because he's hardly had any friends except for his imaginary ones. He's looking forward to working at RuptureFarms so he can straighten himself out.
Equipment: Wears a purple cape, claiming that it makes him looks incredibly mysterious and deadly. He carries around a large knife, but he has never harmed anyone with it. All he ever does with the knife is threaten people randomly with it and points it in their face.
Last edited by sliguy101; 04-18-2007 at 06:39 PM..