OOC: I didn't say that Arnie and the group entered the lift. They're just near to it. Marco, Arxryl, could you edit those parts?
OK, Clem and Zuka too, sorry.
"Allright then. A flying Slig would be a real asset when there are repairs to be done." said Arnie. "You will help with the repairs of the main lifts. Now, you can go to the R+R if you want, or you can come with us and have a look around."
Arnie noticed that Tiny asked him a question. "A job without guns? There are a lot of things like that around here, but... How come you don't want to wield a gun? I thought a BlitzPacker is a BigBro's best friend." he asked Tiny.
"As I said, I'm Rick. And he..." Rick inclined his head towards the Glukkon. "...is Otto, Assistant of Arnie and Flak Clerk of the factory."
"Yeah, all complaints and opinions shall be brought to me." said Otto. "And I think you're a bit late for that tour, but we can fill you in. What do you want to know about the place?"
"You're strangely helpful today. What have you been smoking?" Rick asked Otto.
"Appart from the rotting meat and the machinery smoke, nothing. Make yourself useful and bring me a Scrab Leg." said Otto curtly, sitting down to Anza's table.
"Sure, as soon as I roast them." said Rick. "Hey Anza, I guess you want one too, right?"
RG lurked in the darkening hallways, which were illuminated by only a few lamps on the walls. Some of them were blinking, others were broken. But the robot walked along confidently, his light-amplification function working.
Suddenly, he noticed two Sligs lying on the corridor floor. He approached them. One of them was a BigBro, pinning a smaller Slig to the floor. By the sound of it, they were sleeping.
He recalled the last image he received with his sensors before they were broken by a Slig. RG was interested about the smaller Slig. He crouched down to him and examined his skin. It was green with blue spots. The image of the fist he recalled was not like that.
He knocked on the BigBro's armor in the hope of waking him. "Slig organic, may I ask you a few questions?"