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04-11-2007, 02:33 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
: 1,943
Rep Power: 20
Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Finally decided to add a new character! Yay!

Name: Slash
Species: Slig (Flying Slig class)
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (Slig years)
Appearance: A fairly ordinary Slig, pretty much. Has a lightning bolt shaped tattoo down each forearm. Fairly strong for a non-Big Bro Slig, twisting wrenches and all that.
Skills: Slash has developed great mechanical skills with technology, having learnt from his boss, & friend.
Personality: Takes his job incredibly seriously, but enjoys his work and tinkering around with technology. Is wary of many people and species, being that he does not know much about them from his somewhat reclusive life thus far. Can be very sensetive and irritable alot. After the accident that happened in the labs he was in, he has become extremely protective of anyone he feels is important or a friend to him. Not particularly lazy, but will lounge around when not in a real mood to do alot.
Equipment: Slightly modified heli-pants, with solar adaptors slapped on to provide the power (he uses this as an excuse to slack off sometimes, saying he needs to recharge it from the sun). The heli-pants have a few slots etc. for storage. Instead of a grenade adaptor, having removed it, he carries a more conventional ground Slig shotgun. Also a special knife, completely unique, with various serrated edges. It has a small internal generator, so that it is electrified, shocking anyone who even slightly touches a side of the blade, badly shocking an ordinary Mudokon, but not lethal, at least a few hours in bed afterwards. As such, Slash wears leather gloves, and the sheath of the knife is rubber. He has also modded his visor (AO style, a slit rather than two eye pieces) so that it has some rudimentary night vision functionality, and so glows green as opposed to red. The visor is also clearer, so some of his face is visible through it if you look closely. He gets irritated at people doing this.
Background: Slash used to work as a guard aboard a Vykkers labs flying labratory, brought at a young age individually by specific Vykker who had a certain dislike for Interns. At this point he was trained as a ground Slig with the usual machine gun, protecting his boss from various escapee experiments and such like, and also doing some other tasks ("Hold it down will you? While I go get the sharpeners..."). Being paid by a Vykker, he made quite a good bit of Moolah out of this job, being paid for some of the extra work he did. Over time, since Slash hadn't really known any other more 'parent' figures, he developed a bond with the Vykker, sometimes his boss would even do things for him if paid, such as the tattoos. He learnt much during this time, as said Vykker often talked to itself during work, and didn't particularly mind being watched while at work (it often had to work with machinery when parts broke down, or hired to fix something), and didn't even mind being asked questions about it so much. As he got more used to environment, and let out on breaks from work, he would sneak around and possibly raid a few things. Some of the lab's turbines were powered through solar panels custom built there by the head Vykker owning the estabilishment, and as such spares were kept. Guards were certainly not kept around these places, so he stole some and hid them in his locker, interested in the technology and thinknig they may be useful, and if anything, he could flog them for a fair bit of Moolah. Unfortunately, however, an escapee experiment in another part of the labs was proving difficult to keep under control (a Scrab with various nastys done to it had gone berserk), and so destroyed some systems before being caught. The labs slowly sunk, but then gained speed, resulting in quite a crash. Most aboard had been killed, but Slash had jammed himself into his locker and avoided too much damage to himself. He eventually climbed out, stunned at the wreckage. He quickly searched for his boss Vykker.
He eventually found it among some wreckage, but it was badly injured and dying. While Slash knew about machinery, he didn't know enough about biology to help. Whether the Vykker was partially demented after hitting it's head in the collision, orwhether they were true feelings, Slash would never know, but he was a given a small, sharp knife as a dying gift, being told it had used it in some operations and to subdue experiments, and it was also an effective weapon. Then, shortly afterwards, it died. This may partially be the reason why Slash is such a bitter Slig. Afterwards, he deicided to search the wreckage for anything useful or anything he could flog. He came accross slabs of rubber, relatively undamaged, some Scrab leather, and a mostly intact pair of heli-pants. These would be valuable for transport away from here, he thought, and examined it. Only the grenade launcher was damaged, as well as the fuel holders. Some other Vykker equipment remained too, including a burner. The contents of his locker were intact, and remembered all the solar panels. So he got them all, and bent them using the burner (with delicate care so aas not to damage them) and covered most of the pants with them and connected up the wires so they were now powered. The fuel containers and grenade launcher, being damaged, were merely in the way and removed. As such, he retained his gun as a weapon instead, as well as the knife. So, he decided to set off for a job somewhere, not being bothered and finding he wouldn't be able to carry much in the air anyway. So, after a little bit of practice, he flies away.

Last edited by Zerox; 04-22-2007 at 07:51 AM..